admin, Author at vLearnLive Blog
7 Ways to Improve Focus Amongst School Going Kids

7 Ways to Improve Focus Amongst School Going Kids

The pandemic has brought different kinds of challenges for everyone. While the professional challenges have been much talked and discussed everywhere, even our little toddlers and school goers are facing varied problems.

Their life is now limited to electronic gadgets and e-learning. Earlier, kids could have fun and recreation at multiple places- at school, inside the classroom, during lunch breaks, at the playground, and while commuting to and fro in the school van or bus. 

Kids also had the option to take part in different indoor and outdoor games. They also pursued skill-enhancement and hobby courses. Now, all learning has rapidly transformed into e-learning.

Whether it is a chess class or a guitar class, school learning, or additional coaching classes-kids are glued to the laptop, tablet, or mobile screens.

In the present situation, while e-learning has helped to mitigate the impact of Covid 19 on education, here is a list of 7 steps to improve focus and boost productivity among kids:


1. Spend time with nature: Do not look at the electronic screens immediately after getting up. Spend at least 10 minutes daily after getting up to look at the sky, the greenery, and the nature around you. It gives a lot of positive energy and helps to uplift mood so that the kids can focus better on their studies.

2. Meditate: The benefits of meditation are known to one and all. For kids, it can be turned into a playful activity than a mundane task. Ask your kid to look at any object and focus on it for 10 minutes daily. He/She can also close the eyes and focus on its image in the mind itself. This has a very calming impact on the mind, body, and soul and it energizes the kid to comprehend better.

3. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables: During Covid19, one key advice that came from all corners was to improve immunity by adding fruits and vegetables to the daily diet of the kids. Fruits and vegetables strengthen the brain and body by providing vitamins, minerals, and trace elements required for growth. “Amla” or Indian gooseberry is a, must-have, nutrient-rich superfood to be given to kids daily.

4. Stretches for good health: Stretches help to increase the flexibility of the muscles improving the kid’s overall physical being. Coupled with good nutrition, stretches help kids to gain height. Stretches also help to remove the pain in the neck, shoulder, and head that your kid might develop due to stress. Regular stretching is a boon for both mind and body.

5. Take mental notes: Encourage your kid to visualize and re-look at the learnings of the day in various subjects just before going to bed. This activity does not take more than 15 minutes but has a far-reaching impact. Various studies prove the power of the subconscious mind that helps to build successful grown-ups. By doing a quick mental revision of whatever was taught during the day, the kid can assimilate better that improves the learning process.

6. Plan ahead: Encourage your kid to prepare a time-table for the week. You can help him/her do the same so that there is lesser pressure of studies during the examination period. Explain your kid the benefits of being persistent. No challenge is big enough provided it is broken down into bite-size pieces.

7. Sleep Well: At no cost, the sleep of your child should be compromised. A sleep-deprived child tends to lose focus easily, will have difficulty in grasping new concepts, and can develop communication issues as well. However, if the child is consistent with his/her daily work and studies, he/she will get enough time to relax and sleep tight.


Every parent wants their child to perform well in different fields.

The key to success is not only hard work but a whole lot of factors like persistence, a good environment, healthy food, proper exercise, adequate rest, and planning well so that there is no stress on body and mind.

By following the simple tricks as mentioned above, your child’s focus and productivity are bound to increase and you will be amazed to see the results!

You can, You must, You will

You can, You must, You will

Examinations are around the corner. You sit on your desk, with your textbook as well as the class notes wide open and the pen in your hand, the clock ticking non-stop. 

(Jo pada nahi woh aata nahi aur jo aata hai woh bhool gaye!).

You sweat and fumble as the answer you have scribbled does not match the book’s. Yes, it’s scary and overwhelming. You haven’t been as regular as you would have preferred during the previous year and you are now feeling the pain.

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You need help. 

And that’s what we are here to discuss!

Our idea is to handhold students of all ages to develop confidence and achieve self satisfaction in their academic pursuits. 

If you are failing , you can pass.

If you are passing , you can get B’s

If you are getting B’s , you can get A’s.

If you are getting A’s, you can do even better


Beginning from today, we shall discuss a 10 step program to help you plan and achieve success in exams! Come March, and you will be in the spot light-what a high! 

Yes- It’s possible! 

The only thing I need from you is an undertaking that you will execute these pointers wholly and in full measure. No shortcuts!

10 Best Finals Week Quotes - Motivational Quotes For Students Taking Final Exams - Seventeen:
The One thing that separates us from the top rankers

The One thing that separates us from the top rankers

Imagine you are at the Prize Distribution function at your school. Your best friend is winning accolades left, right and centre and the whole school cheers for him as he walks up the stage. Much as you like him, you wish you were at the receiving end of that applause. You spend all your waking hours together, but what is that ONE thing which puts him in the topper’s list? READ MORE…

Focusing on a task for any length of time isn’t easy. There’s a lot of busyness and commotion in life, so helping ourselves to concentrate and focus is a critical life skill. 

For most, it is difficult to focus for more than a few moments on any task, and that’s quite natural, due to curiosity, exuberance and energy. However, concentration is essential for studying, for homework and for the completion of any task.

Grown up people can improve their concentration with special exercises, however, with children, one needs to use a different strategies.

You can help yourself to increase concentration in various ways. These ways will teach certain habits and rules that would make it easier to focus and be less restless, while doing homework or carrying out tasks.

What to do when you can’t concentrate:

  1. Have your comprehensive task list ready and by your side. E.g. 10 Calculus problems in Maths, Important terms in Business studies and a self-quiz of Chapter 5 in Sanskrit. 
  2. Start studying.
  3. The minute you realize that you have started thinking about your friend’s party or your upcoming school picnic, STOP STUDYING 
  4.  If this thought comes from something you have to do, write in on a piece of paper (I used post-its) and keep it aside.
  5. Move on to the next study task. But before you do….
  6. Do one more small and easy item of work from the current task. So, if you were doing Maths, do one more problem. If you are doing Biology, practice that one diagram.
  7. And now the most important step. Even if you are in that flow, let it go. Don’t fall into the temptation of doing more. It’s time for a change!

The ability to concentrate for long periods of time takes time and practice. Try these simple ideas for increasing your child’s concentration. It’s something that he or she will benefit from for life.

Your brain is your muscle and the minute you release your brain from the pressures of sticking to a job, it relaxes and gets interested. And to excel, we need to tone our brain muscles a step at a time, everyday!

Hope for a productive day ahead.

Maths  –  My Fear Dragon, How to overcome it

Maths – My Fear Dragon, How to overcome it

The fear of Math is a phenomenon that is known as Math Phobia in clinical terms. Sometimes we feel that the world ought to be divided into two parts- Those who don’t like Math and those who dislike Math! 

For the longest time, I resisted the movie Life of Pi because I thought it had something to do with numbers! Seriously, I could never understand the ‘WHY’ behind wasting good paper and ink to do those mind boggling sums. 

By class 3, I had learnt the maths which today, I actually use in everyday life. Everything learnt thereafter (absolutely unused) is still residing as a trauma in some dormant part of my head! 

I dream of theorems sometimes and often wake up kicking, screaming and crying☺

But unless the Indian education system wakes up and smells the coffee, we are stuck. And when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! 

So, what are the ways out that can change our relationships with these numbers? Some of them we suggest are as follows:-

  1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : Like all other fears, the first step to outgrow the fear is to acknowledge it. 

So when you find that someone is afraid of the subject, take the first step by writing down the reasons, which are actually making you feel afraid. There are studies that show that writing down worries before exams basically helps in the performance during the exam, the reason being, the cause of worry is already identified.

  1. MAKING IT SIMPLE : Make an effort to make the numbers relatable to yourself. life. So, take up small but meaningful exercises that deal with numbers or calculations, so that you no longer feel unacquainted with the basic concept of calculations. Once this is in place, the fear will also gradually subside.
  1. CONCEPT : Examine the concept in great detail and with oodles of patience. INVEST time and energies here.
  1. PRACTICE : Get your stationery in gear, earmark the sums to be attempted (say 10) and set a TIMER for say 15 mins (you may get a time estimate from your teacher, coach or senior) 
  1. GRADE : Once you finish those sums, mark your answers. Self appraisal always helps you to determine where you stand among crowd. Four days of consistent practice in a week will reflect in a more confident and effective you. 
  1. LEARNING FROM MISTAKES : Learn from the mistakes you commit while learning. Never reproach yourself when you make an error. You may have to repeat yourself several times, but remember, these multiple times explanation will help you to understand the basics in a much better manner and keep yourself in good stead in future Math classes.

Finally, practice is the best and most effective way to do away with the fear of Math and also improve in the subject. 

There are innumerable instances that show that practicing Math help the kids to improve their performance and at the same time also develop a genuine interest in the subject, so much so, some kids even end up deciding that this the subject that they wish to take up in their high school and college. 

But at the onset, make sure that you do not dump the exercise of practicing Math drudgery. Make the exercise interesting, engaging and rewarding. Appreciate correct answers and do not reproach mistakes.

We sincerely hope that the above helps you to kindle the Mathematician in you

Use of Flashcards – It’s Revision on the go!

Use of Flashcards – It’s Revision on the go!

What is the coolest methodology to do revision before your exams? Here’s one small, but a very useful tip, which shall beat your last minute exam blues…READ MORE

If I go back to my days of academic study and examinations, I can only remember those moments of pure panic! And surprisingly, the fear factor gets compounded when you are actually digesting, reading & learning all your lessons.

Do you remember how difficult it was sometimes to memorize the expanded result of (a+b)² or the name of the Planets as per their placement in the Solar System?

How to overcome this panic in an effective manner???

Get hold of your parent’s old visiting cards. Put a question on one side and the answer on another.  Once you are done, tie a rubber band around it and you are ready to go. 

Revision becomes as easy as flipping a card and as effective as a Surya Namaskar. You are learning the content as you write as well as when you revise!

So the next time you are waiting for the Metro Station or say are stuck at the drycleaners, whip out your flashcards, start revising your mathematical formulae and save your most prized asset – YOUR TIME…. 

If you get bored, use this to QUIZ yourself! 

And watch your confidence zoom sky high!