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7 Tips To Improve Memory Of Children

7 Tips To Improve Memory Of Children

In order to improve memory of children, parents are always looking out for tips and techniques that are easy and give fast results. From giving almonds to meditation, parents try out different ways to improve the memory power of their child.

Here, we are sharing with you 7 simple but effective ways to improve memory and boost the confidence of your kids. A strong and confident kid grows into an emotionally stable individual that contributes towards the growth of its family and society at large.

It is extremely important to take small steps at a very early age so that there are no learning disabilities in the formative years. A child is like clay that can be molded into any direction by his/her parents.

That’s why the early years are very important as they form the building blocks of future growth and progress. Parents usually get disheartened by seeing low marks or weak performance in different activities in school. They do not understand the underlying causes which further adds to the distress of both the kid and the parent.

At times, the fewer marks can be due to lack of focus and weak memorizing skills. In the earlier articles, have discussed ways to improve focus.

Improve memory of kid
Few easy steps to improve memory of children

In this article, we are discussing easy ways to improve memory that would in turn help to build confifdence of the kid. These tips do not require a lot of effort from the parents or kids. 

They just need consistency, communication, understanding, and role modeling on behalf of parents. The impact of these simple practices is life long as good habits once formed at this stage become a part and parcel of the kid’s entire journey.

As he grows up, he/she visualizes the world through this creative prism and builds a more successful path for himself/ herself.

1. Give positive feedback to kids: Ask kids to do small activities like watering the plants, feeding the pets, arranging toys, etc, and always appreciate their efforts. Positive words have a good impact on their mind. It helps them to build a relationship between different activities and their desired outcome thus helping them to build patterns in their mind that helps to improve the memory power of the child.

When adults use positive language for the kids, the associations that kids create are also positive and result in defining the kid’s outlook on different things that happen around them. Kids are very smart, if a parent scolds them or beats them then they will create negative imagery of that action and never do it again. These create lasting impression in the minds of the kids and hence arouses negative memory patterns.

So, every feedback given to the kid should be positive and carefully crafted.

improve child memory power
The power of positive words works wonders!

2. Playing games: While it is difficult to step out to play due to the COVID 19 pandemic but kids should be encouraged to play indoor games. Needless to say, they should play lesser on mobiles, tablets, PCs, etc and more board games. 

They can choose different kinds of games depending upon the age of the kid such as chess, scrabble, sudoku, picture-match, tongue twisters, recall the items from a picture, etc that pushes the kid to think and recollect. 

This is an excellent routine buster and aids in improving the memory of the child. When kids try to memorize and learn things through games, they pick-up information faster and it stays with them for a longer time.

improve memory power of child
Add games to sharpen the memory

3. Add super-foods to daily diet: Vegetables of different colors, Honey, Almonds, Berries, Apple, Oatmeal, Eggs, Avocados, Milk, and Yoghurt are great superfoods to be given to kids daily that helps to improve focus and memory. 

These foods nourish the brain and provide the necessary nutrients for growth and improving memory power.

It is very important that kids get all the required nutrients as that aids in boosting their immunity, enhancing focus, and improving memory. 

improve child memory
Add superfoods for growth

4. Create a schedule: By creating a daily plan of activities, kids get accustomed to their schedule that later helps them to grow into mentally strong and disciplined individuals. For example, if the kid starts playing chess daily, he is more likely to pursue it further and might become a very good chess player.

Similarly, if the kid starts reading storybooks daily the habit will build focus, concentration, vocabulary, and memory of kids. The elements of creative thinking, visualization, planning help to bolster the kid’s memory in the long run.

improve child memory power
improve child memory powerValue time, practice discipline

5. Extracurricular Activities: Activities like dance, drama, music, public speaking, etc improve focus, recall, and sharpen the memory. 

They also add to the kid’s confidence and improve social skills. Through these activities, kids learn to excel in different fields and grow up as multi-faceted individuals.

improve memory in kids
Add some fun

6. Encourage kids to ask questions: Curiosity is the mother of all inventions. Had there been no curiosity, no invention would have taken place on this planet.

Never scold your little ones or even your teenage kids from asking questions. 

If today, they are encouraged to ask-what, why, when, how, etc, then they would be able to relate better to the things around them and create a better future for themselves.

By encouraging them to ask questions, you are also trying to understand their world better. This helps to make the bond between parent and kid stronger!

improve working memory of kids
The more kids question, the better their understanding

7. Let them teach you: The younger kids usually like this activity as they get to teach their parents. 

It is a very simple but effective trick for improving the memory power of kids. 

As the child is explaining the concept, he/she uses her own example and method of teaching. It forces them to visualize things and they also use examples that are more related to their surroundings. 

It helps them to grasp things faster in a manner that is more relatable to them. This improves their mental growth as well.

improve memory of kids

Why are the above steps effective in improving the memory of children?

-The above-mentioned techniques are kid-friendly and playful in nature so the kids are able to show results faster.

-No additional stress is put on parents or kids; so the growth is consistent and easy.

-These techniques not only help to improve memory power but also aid in holistic growth and development.

– It also improves the bond between the kids and the elders in their family especially the parents.