Build confidence in kids in 11 Easy steps - vLearnLive Blog

Often, as parents we struggle to build confidence in kids.

Here are some easy ways that do not require any additional effort from your end but have promising outcomes.

Let’s discuss each of these 11 steps one by one to build confidence in kids.

Step 1:

Often, as adults we have the habit of coaching and mentoring kids, unnecessarily.

We like to control their ways of working and giving our kids too many directions.

This limits them to use their creativity and thinking ability.

Set them free and allow them to do their things- their way!

build confidence in kids

Step 2:

It is okay for kids to use their discretion and figure out their own ways and means of executing a task.

Even, if they fail , they would become quick adapters and learners.

They will know how better to approach a problem and will be able to think of better solutions when facing a similar issue.

This will enhance the kid’s confidence and will make them a more emotionally stable adult.

Step 3:

The word “No” should be a taboo word in the dictionary of all parents.

Even if kids have to be stopped from doing a certain thing , then, say it positively.

Eg:- Instead of saying, “Don’t jump off the table” , say, ” You might get hurt if you jump so high, want to still try jumping?”

The kid will definitely try a work around and his/her creativity will surely surprise you!

It will immensely help to build confidence in kids.

Step 4:

With too much of competition, parents tend to get more insecure and take too many steps to prevent kids from failing.

But, by not allowing your kid to solve his small fights with friends or by not allowing them to feel unhappy or sad; kids will be in for a bigger shock as they grow in life.

They will not be able to face the competitive world and will have multiple social, mental and emotional issues.

So, let them finish their difficult assignment on their own and let them face their fear of failures so as to make them stronger and sharper in life.

Step 5:

A lot of times parents expect their kids to behave as adults and expect them to ‘know it all’ from start to finish!

It is important to understand that whether your kid is 5 years or 14 years- let them be as they are and don’t expect too much of worldly wisdom from them!

It’s more important for parents to see things from the kid’s perspective than their own.

This would help to build a better communication channel between parents and kids thereby fostering a good emotional IQ for kids.

Step 6:

A lot of times, kids are discouraged to ask questions especially on sensitive subjects.

With the influx of digital platforms, kids nowadays are exposed to too many things that were not discussed a decade earlier.

As parents, it’s important to explain things in a kid- friendly manner than hushing them down or scolding them for asking questions.

Step 7:

No matter what the kid age- they learn by observing their parents and elders in the family.

When you share your life experiences with them, they learn things faster.

And of course, they will have their own words of wisdom for you!

Step 8:

Depending upon the kid’s age, ask them questions and seek answers from them.

This will prick the kid’s brain and they will learn the art of decision-making at a very early stage in life.

Step 9:

Kids are the most beautiful part of your being.

Shower your love, blessings and wishes to them everyday.

It’s scientifically proven that kid’s who are hugged and kissed daily are more emotionally stable.

Live your childhood once again with them.

Take part in their games and activities so as to understand their feelings better.

Step 10:

When you appreciate your kid in front of others, it builds the kid’s self-confidence.

They feel loved, respected and wanted.

This builds their self-confidence and gives a boost to their overall image in front of others.

build confidence in kids

Step 11:

Last but not the least, kid’s have the tendency to avoid difficult situations by slipping into the virtual world.

The impact of excessive screen time is known to one and all.

With online education being a part of kid’s schooling during the current pandemic, it is important for parents to regulate screen time beyond studies.

Keep a check of their online activities or else the kids might feel more a part of virtual world than the real world.


As parents, we all want our kids to be independent and confident to face the world.

Raising kids is a process; not a one-time activity.

By taking the above steps, you can groom your kid to be calm, confident, and strong enough to easily take all the challenges.

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